
Custom domain

Add custom domain

Bring in your own domain or subdomain to create branded links that stand out from the rest!

How can I add a custom domain?

You need to have a valid subscription to add a custom domain!

Only team owners with valid subscription can add / update custom domains.

A custom domain, refers to the ability for users to use their own domain name to create and share short URLs

  • To make your custom domain point to our service, you need to create a new CNAME record pointing to cname-fyn.link. Add the following CNAME record to your DNS records.
    mybrand.com   CNAME   cname-fyn.link
  • Click on Domains link from the left navigation menu Domains link
  • You will be redirected to the domain list page, you can see existing custom domains there, if any. Click on the top right button Add Domain. Add domain button
  • A new panel will be opened on the right side of the web application. Enter your desired domain or subdomain and click Continue Enter domain name
  • You will see details on adding CNAME record. If you have not already added it as mentioned in the first step, now is the time to add it for a faster activation. Click on Continue button. CNAME help screen
  • Add an optional description, if required, in Description field Domain description
  • Select all the teams that this custom domain should be available. This can be done later also by editing a custom domain. Domain team selection
  • Choose a default 404 page if required. The user will be redirected to this page, if visiting a short URL that does not exist! Default 404 page
  • Choose default Root URL to be redirected. The person will be redirected to the page specified here if directly entering mybrand.com instead of mybrand.com/some-short-code! Domains root URL redirect
  • Enable or disable Global privacy control (GPC) as per your requirement. If GPC is on and our system detects a GPC signal, analytics will not be recorded! GPC button
  • Click on the Create button and your new custom domain will be added!

    You will get notified via email when the new domain is activated!

    Usually it gets activated within a few minutes, and you could see the status in the domain list page. But in some cases, it may take up to 24 hours for your new custom domain to get activated.

How can I add CNAME record in my domain provider?

Adding CNAME record varies with providers. Here are documentation to add CNAME in popular domain service providers.

⚡ Cloudflare

Adding a CNAME in Cloudflare

⚡ NameCheap

Adding a CNAME in NameCheap

⚡ GoDaddy

Adding a CNAME in GoDaddy

⚡ Hover

Adding a CNAME in Hover

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