
Custom domain

Delete custom domain

A custom domain, refers to the ability for users to use their own domain name to create and share short URLs.

How can I delete a custom domain?

Deleting a domain is permanent, cannot be undone!

All the links associated with the domain will be permanently removed. Make sure you back up those, if required. You can always add this domain again if you prefer to! But the links associated with it earlier will not be available!

  • Click on Domains link from the left navigation menu Domains link
  • You will be redirected to the domain list page, you can see existing custom domains there. Click on the delete button. Delete domain button
  • A confirmation dialog will be shown. Click on Confirm button to delete the domain. Delete domain confirmation
  • Your domain will be permanently deleted, and all links associated with it also will be removed!

Who can delete a custom domain?

Only the person who added the domain can delete it!

Only team owners with valid subscription can delete a custom domain.

Update domain