
Link management

Delete short URL

All short links have an auto-expiring feature, in which you can set a date and time for expiry. But sometimes you may be forced to delete a short URL for various reasons.

Short URL and short link are the same!

We will be using the terms short URL and short link or simply link throughout the documentation. All of these represent the same.

How can I delete a short URL?

All users who have the permission to create a short URL can also delete a short URL in a team.

  • Open the desired link to be deleted, from the links page. Click on the edit button (as shown below) to open the details panel. Edit link
  • This will open the link details panel, click on Delete button on the bottom of the panel to delete the link. Delete link
  • A confirmation modal will be shown, click on Confirm button to delete the link. Delete link confirmation

It may take up to a minute for the link to be completely removed from all our cache!

Deleting a short link is almost instant, but in some cases it may take up to a minute to reflect changes. This is because the short link may be cached on several locations around the world based on its usage.

Who all can delete a short URL?

Any member who have link creation permission can also delete a link!

Currently a user with Member or Administrator rights or the Owner of a team can create and delete short URLs. Only the member with a Read-only role cannot delete short URLs.

Can I delete a short URL created by another member?

Yes, if you have a user role other than Read-only. This means you can also delete short URL created by other members in the same team. You will also be able to delete a short URL, which was created using API.

Edit short link