
Account management

Update password

All users can update their password. We encourage you to use a password manager to generate password. It is very important to NOT re-use your password across different accounts! If you are unsure about which password manager to use, here is a list of our recommended password managers. PS: We use Bitwarden here at Fynlink!

Make sure to use a strong password!

Please make sure to use a strong password, preferably generated with the help of a password manager!

How can I update my password?

You can update the password from the user profile page.

⚡ From the profile page

  • Click in the top right corner of the header menu, where the user avatar is displayed, and click on the Profile link. Profile link
  • You will be redirected to the user profile page. In the Update Password block, enter the current password, new password and confirm password. Click Save to save new password. Update password
Update email